Small vs Big

acoustic guitar parts

Size isn't always everything...

It seems that over the years us guitar players (bassists included) have gone from using huge heads, cabinets, racks and high powered overly heavy combos, to smaller more user friendly equivalents. As technology moves on, it has gone hand in hand with all that was good with the vintage era, and combined we now find ourselves in an era where the gear we use is the best it's probably ever been!

Now like anything there is obviously the usual rubbish on the markets, no matter what you're into buying, but if we're talking lovely high end gear like we sell in store then we're oh so spoiled for choice nowadays. 

As boutique amplifiers, guitars and pedals have become more acceptable and trendy, people are leaning towards keeping their old vintage Marshall's, Fenders and whatever else they have at home safe, or for more studio use (unless a Kemper gets involved).

I used to rock up to jam nights with my old Marshall JCM 800 Two Channel 100 watt head, and my 4x12 Marshall slanted cabinet only to be told it either won't fit in the pub, or it'll be too loud! Nowadays I roll up with my lovely little Divided By 13 SJT 10/20 head and a small offset 2x12 matching cabinet, and sometimes me and a friend even use a Kemper from time to time too! 

Don't get me wrong, this isn't about bigger or smaller being better than the other one. It's more to spark up a conversation about how as time has moved on, people have downsized due to weight and size and still managed to keep, or better their tone and sound! It's just amazing what you can get now for the money and we should consider ourselves lucky for what choice we have. Mind you it can be a little confusing on what is a good choice buying a new piece of gear, but this is why we are here as a shop to help you solve those problems!

Feel free to leave comments and tell us about your past and present rigs and if you'd like to change anything in your set up! 


You stay classy now.



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