guitar amps

Guitar Amplifiers

Best Guitar Amps

Whether you are looking for your first practice amp or treating yourself to some of the finest Boutique amps, we can help! Our selection includes some great brands including AguilarFender, Marshall, Blackstar, Orange, Vox, Acus, Hamstead Soundworks, Cornell to name a few. Take a look at our range of amps here on the website, drop us a line, or call during opening hours for more information

What Is A Guitar Amp?

A guitar amp, or a guitar amplifier, is a tool that makes the sound of a guitar louder. It takes the low-level electrical signal from an electric guitar and amplifies it to produce a louder sound that can be heard through a speaker. It's an essential part of a guitarist's gear, as it shapes the tone and volume of the guitar sound. Besides making the sound louder, guitar amps can also add special effects to change how the guitar sounds, like making it sound rough or giving it a special echo, to suit different types of music. Guitar amps come in various sizes and types, offering different sound characteristics. Whether you’re playing at home or on stage, a good guitar amp is key to making your music sound great.

Benefits of Using a Guitar Amp

Using a guitar amp offers several benefits:

  • Louder Volume: Guitar amps increase the volume of your guitar, making it possible to perform in front of larger audiences or alongside other instruments without getting drowned out. This is crucial for both live performances and rehearsals.

  • Sound Quality: By amplifying the sound of your guitar, an amp enhances its overall tone, making it richer and more resonant. This improvement in sound quality is essential for a more enjoyable playing and listening experience.

  • Tone Control: Amps provide knobs or sliders that let you adjust the low (bass), mid, and high (treble) frequencies. This control means you can fine-tune the guitar's sound to match the music style you're playing or to suit your personal preference.

  • Special Effects: Many amps offer built-in effects like reverb (which adds an echo to your sound), distortion (which gives a gritty, crunchy sound ideal for rock or metal), and delay (which repeats your notes for an echoing effect). These effects can enhance your music without needing separate pedals or devices.

  • Feedback Control: Especially important for electric guitar, amps can help manage unwanted feedback, allowing for a cleaner sound during live performances. This makes your music sound more professional by reducing the chances of high-pitched squeals.

  • Versatility: Guitar amps are designed to accommodate a range of musical genres, offering settings that can be adjusted for clean, crisp sounds suitable for jazz and blues, or for heavier, distorted tones perfect for rock and metal.

  • Improved Live Performance: An amp can significantly improve the impact of your live performances by ensuring your guitar is heard clearly and powerfully. This enables musicians to fully engage with their audience and deliver a memorable show.

How Should You Choose a Guitar Amplifier? 

Choosing the right guitar amp involves considering several factors, It's not just about picking the loudest one; it's about finding an amp that suits your style, needs, and budget. Here's a simple guide to help you make the right choice:

  • Consider Your Playing Style: Determine the music genre you play most often, as different amps are better suited for clean tones (jazz, blues) or distorted tones (rock, metal). For instance, If you play mostly acoustic tunes, an acoustic amp is your best bet. For electric guitar enthusiasts, options like a Marshall amp or a Fender amplifier are popular. Bass players should look for bass amps specifically designed for lower frequencies.

  • Amplifier Type: Decide between tube amps and solid-state amps. Tube Amps provide a warm, classic sound but may require more maintenance and are often heavier whereas Solid-State Amps are reliable, low-maintenance, and generally lighter. They have a more consistent sound.

  • Wattage: Choose the right wattage for your needs. Lower wattage (e.g., 5-15 watts) is suitable for home practice and recording. Higher wattage (e.g., 30-100+ watts) is better for live performances where you need to fill larger spaces with sound.

  • Size and Portability: Consider the amp's size and weight for easy transport, especially if you gig frequently. If you're often on the move, a mini guitar amp or a portable guitar amp might be ideal. For home practice, a small electric guitar amp often suffices, while for live performances, you might need something more powerful.

  • Built-in Effects: Decide if you want an amp with built-in effects or if you prefer using external pedals. Some amps come with built-in effects like reverb, distortion, and delay.

  • Tone Control: Check for tone control options like bass, mid, and treble adjustments to shape your sound.

  • Budget: Set a budget and explore amps within that range. Quality varies across price points. From second-hand amps which are more budget-friendly to high-end models like Kemper Profiler Amps or Matchless Amplifiers, there's something for every budget.

  • Brand and Reputation: Research reputable brands that are known for producing reliable amps with good sound quality. Fender amps, Kemper amps, Matchless amplifiers, Orange guitar amp, PRS amp are some of the well-known brands available in the market.

  • Testing: Visit music stores and try different amps with your guitar. Listen to how they sound together and how easy they are to use. See how they handle different volumes and playing styles. Even a guitar headphone amp can be a good choice if you need to practice quietly.

  • Compatibility: Ensure the amp matches your guitar's pickup type (single-coil or humbucker. Also for instance, if you use a lot of pedals, ensure the amp pairs well with your pedalboard.

Our experts at Musicstreet located in Cambridgeshire, UK will guide you the best in choosing the best amplifiers for your guitar.

Different Types of Guitar Amps

There are several different types of guitar amps, each with its own unique characteristics and sound qualities. Here are the main types:

Combo Amps:

  • Combo amps are self-contained units with both the amplifier and speakers housed in a single cabinet.
  • They are convenient and straightforward, making them a popular choice for beginners and those who want a simple setup.
  • Combo amps are compact and easy to transport, making them suitable for small gigs and practice sessions, Brands like Fender and Marshall make some popular combo amps.

Head and Cabinet Amps:

  • Head and cabinet amps consist of two separate components: the amplifier "head" and a separate speaker cabinet.
  • This setup offers greater flexibility because you can mix and match different heads and cabinets to achieve your desired sound.
  • It is commonly used by professional musicians who require specific tonal characteristics and power levels for their performances.

Tube Amps:

  • Tube amps, also known as valve amps, use vacuum tubes (valves) to amplify the guitar's signal.
  • They are well known for their warm and classic tones, making them popular choices in genres like blues, classic rock, and vintage music.
  • Tube amps are favored for their natural, organic sound but may require more maintenance and are heavier compared to solid-state amps.

Solid-State Amps:

  • - Solid-state amps use transistor technology instead of vacuum tubes for amplification.
  • They are known for their reliability and low maintenance requirements.
  • Solid-state amps are often chosen for their clean tones and versatility, making them suitable for various musical styles. Fender amplifiers often have solid-state models.

Modeling Amps:

  • Modeling amps utilize digital technology to emulate the sounds of various amplifier types and effects.
  • They offer a wide range of tones and effects options, making them versatile for different musical styles.
  • Modeling amps are popular for experimenting with different sounds and styles without the need for multiple physical amps.

Bass Amps:

  • Bass amps are specifically designed to handle the lower frequencies produced by bass guitars.
  • They focus on delivering deep and powerful bass tones, which are essential for providing the foundation in a band's sound.

Acoustic Amps:

  • Acoustic amps are tailored for acoustic guitars and other acoustic instruments.
  • They are designed to provide a clear and natural sound reproduction, enhancing the acoustic instrument's tonal qualities.

Mini Amps:

  • Mini amps are small and portable amplifiers ideal for practice and travel.
  • While they may have limited power and volume, they are convenient for quiet practice sessions or when you're on the go.

Stack Amps:

  • Stack amps consist of a tall stack of multiple speaker cabinets stacked on top of the amplifier head.
  • They are known for their impressive volume and stage presence, making them suitable for large concerts and venues.

Digital Amps:

  • Digital amps utilize digital technology for both amplification and effects processing.
  • They offer a wide range of tones and effects options, often with presets that can replicate various classic amplifiers and effects pedals.
  • Each type of guitar amp has its unique characteristics and is suitable for specific musical contexts and preferences. The choice of amp should align with your playing style, genre, and intended use.

Top Brand Guitar Amps We Offer

At MusicStreet, we're excited to offer a wide selection of guitar amps in uk from well-known brands, each with its unique qualities and sound. Here's a closer look at our top brands:

Fender Amplifiers:

  • Fender is a legendary brand in the world of amplifiers, known for producing iconic models like the Fender Deluxe Reverb and Fender Twin Reverb.
  • Fender amps are celebrated for their clean and sparkling tones, making them a favorite among blues, rock, and country guitarists.
  • They often feature classic tube technology, delivering warm and vintage sound.

Kemper Profiler Amps:

  • Kemper Profiler Amps represent cutting-edge technology, allowing guitarists to digitally profile and recreate the sounds of various amplifiers and effects with remarkable accuracy.
  • They offer versatility and the ability to switch between countless amp profiles, making them a powerful tool for musicians seeking a wide range of tones.

Orange Guitar Amp:

  • Orange amplifiers are distinctively recognized by their bright orange-colored cabinets.
  • They are highly regarded in the rock and metal genres for their powerful, high-gain tones and unique visual style.
  • Orange amps often feature both tube and solid-state models to cater to different player preferences.

PRS Guitar Amp:

  • PRS (Paul Reed Smith) amplifiers are known for their craftsmanship and tonal versatility
  • They excel in delivering both clean, pristine tones and smooth overdrive, making them suitable for various music styles.
  • PRS amps often have features like multi-channel options and reverb.

Matchless Amplifiers:

  • Matchless Amplifiers are boutique, handcrafted amps celebrated for their exceptional build quality and vintage-inspired tones.
  • They offer warm and rich clean tones with a touch of vintage character, making them popular among blues and classic rock players.

Marshall Acoustic Amp:

  • Marshall, famous for its rock-oriented amplifiers, also produces acoustic guitar amps designed to reproduce the natural and balanced sound of acoustic instruments.
  • Marshall acoustic amps often include features like onboard effects and multiple inputs for various instruments.
  • Marshall amps are one of the favorites in the work of rock & blue

Blackstar Amps:

  • Blackstar amps are known for their modern features, versatility, and affordability.
  • They cover a wide range of musical styles and often include effects like reverb, delay, and modulation, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced players.

Aguilar Bass Amps:

  • Aguilar specializes in bass amplification, offering a range of high-quality bass amps and cabinets.
  • Aguilar bass amps are praised for their clean and powerful bass tones, making them a top choice among professional bassists.

Vox Amplifiers:

  • Vox is a well-known brand in the world of amplifiers, particularly famous for its iconic AC series amps.
  • Vox amps are favored for their distinctive "British" sound, characterized by chiming clean tones and a unique midrange.
  • The Vox AC30, in particular, is a legendary model used by many famous artists, including The Beatles and Queen.

These top brands cater to different musical preferences, genres, and technology preferences, providing a variety of options for guitarists and bassists to find the perfect amp for their needs.

What Other Accessories Do I Need With A Guitar Amp?

Here are some simple accessories you may need with your guitar amp:

  • Instrument Cable: You'll need a cable to connect your guitar to the amp. It's like the cord that links your guitar and the amplifier, allowing your guitar's sound to come through.

  • Footswitch: Some amps have footswitch capabilities, which let you control functions like switching between clean and distorted tones or turning effects on and off with your foot.

  • Extension Cord: Make sure you have a power extension cord if your amp's power cable doesn't reach the nearest outlet.

  • Power Surge Protector: To protect your amp from power surges and voltage fluctuations, use a surge protector or power conditioner.

  • Amp Cover: Keep your amp protected from dust and potential damage by using a cover when it's not in use.

  • Speaker Cable: If you have an external speaker cabinet, you'll need a speaker cable to connect it to your amp.

  • Mic Stand: If you plan to use a microphone with your amp for recording or live performances, a mic stand is essential to position the mic properly.

  • Mic and Microphone Cable: You'll need a microphone to capture your amp's sound, along with a microphone cable to connect it to a mixer or recording device.

  • Amp Stand: Elevate your amp for better projection and sound dispersion when performing on stage or in larger venues.

  • Tuner Pedal: A tuner pedal can help you quickly and accurately tune your guitar while playing through the amp.

  • Amp Wheels or Casters: For larger and heavier amps, adding wheels or casters can make it easier to move around.

  • DI Box (Direct Injection Box): If you plan to connect your amp to a sound system or recording equipment, a DI box can help maintain a clean and balanced signal.

These accessories can enhance your experience with your guitar amp, ensure it functions smoothly, and provide convenience in various playing and performance situations.


Is Guitar Amplifier Required?

For electric guitars, an amplifier is essential to convert their electronic signals into audible sound. Acoustic guitars can be played naturally, but an amplifier is required to enhance their sound for larger spaces or to add effects. Acoustic-electric guitars, which have built-in pickups, also benefit from amplifiers for performances.

What Size Guitar Amp Should I Buy?

The size of the guitar amp you should buy depends on your use case. For practicing at home or in small spaces, a 10 to 30-watt amp is usually sufficient, being compact and not excessively loud. For band rehearsals or small gigs, a 50 to 100-watt amp provides enough power to be heard clearly over drums and other instruments. For larger venues or professional settings, amps over 100 watts offer the necessary volume and sound quality.

How Much Does A Good Guitar Amp Cost?

A good guitar amp can cost anywhere from $100 to over $2000. It depends on the brand and the features you want. If you're just starting, you can find decent amps for around $100. If you want more options and better quality, you might spend between $300 and $1000. Premium, top-of-the-line amps can be between $2000 -. For instance the premium BLACK Matchless Coldwater Canyon 112 20W 6V6 Combo -Black cost around £3175. Your budget and what you need will help you decide which one to get. Second hand amps for guitars are also a budget-friendly option you can explore!

Is It Possible to Connect Two Guitar Amps at a Time?

Yes, you can connect two guitar amps simultaneously using an A/B/Y switch. This setup allows you to switch between amps (A/B), or combine them (Y) for a more complex or layered tone. It's a popular technique for guitarists looking to blend different amp sounds or achieve a stereo effect. However, it's important to match the levels and impedance correctly to avoid damage to the amps.

How to Identify a "Clean Tone" & "Dirty Tone" of a Guitar Amp?

You can identify a "clean tone" and a "dirty tone" of a guitar amp by:

Clean Tone:

  • It sounds clear and undistorted, like a pure and crisp sound.
  • Notes played are distinct and free from any gritty or fuzzy texture.
  • Typically used for styles like jazz, country, or when you want a clear sound.

Dirty Tone (Distorted):

  • It sounds gritty and overdriven, with a rough and saturated quality.
  • Notes may blend together, creating a thick and powerful sound.
  • Commonly used in rock, metal, and blues for a heavier, edgier sound.

You can achieve a clean or dirty tone by adjusting the amp's settings, such as the gain and volume controls, and by using effects pedals for more specific tones.

What Does Headroom Mean?

In guitar amps, headroom refers to the ability of the amp to produce a clean, undistorted sound at high volumes. An amp with a lot of headroom can play louder before the sound starts to break up into distortion. This is particularly important for styles of music that require a clean sound at higher volumes, like jazz or country.

What Does Head Gain Mean?

Gain in a guitar amp refers to the increase in signal strength in the preamp section. It controls how hard you're driving the preamp tubes or circuits. Higher gain settings lead to more distortion, creating a "dirty" or "crunchy" sound. It's a key control for genres like rock and metal, where a distorted sound is desired.

What other accessories should be bought along with a guitar & amp?

When you're getting a guitar and amp, there are some other cool guitar accessories to consider. First, you'll need guitar strings because they wear out over time. A pedalboard can add cool effects to your music, and a guitar stand keeps your instrument safe.

Don't forget strap buttons or straplocks to secure your guitar while playing. If you're into singing, grab microphone accessories. Capos help change the pitch easily, and you'll need guitar cables to connect everything.

Taking care of your guitar is crucial, so think about guitar care products. Lastly, tuners and metronomes help you stay in tune and on beat. These accessories will make your musical journey even better!

Musicstreet offers some of the lowest prices on guitar stocks found anywhere in the UK. As we buy products in bulk from distributors we can pass the savings back to you. We do not, however, substitute quality for offering the cheapest prices. Each guitar or accessory that leaves our warehouse has passed the quality tests from our in-house technicians. 

Whether over the phone, in our shop, or through email we pride ourselves in offering unparalleled levels of response and information. We're well aware that issues, though minimized, can develop with instruments or delivery services. With this in mind, we offer a response rate second to none in the industry.

Contact us at MusicStreet - the best guitar shop in UK for more information or to ask us any questions about our stock of amplifiers.



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